Professional Learning
The professional development of staff at Idris Davies School 3-18 is a high priority. The benefit of professional learning is to enhance teacher’s skills and impact on pupil outcomes. Teachers engage in professional learning to stimulate their thinking and professional knowledge and to ensure that their practice is critically informed and current. At Idris Davies, we pride ourselves in developing our school as a learning organisation, learning from one another.
Below you will find links to dedicated professional learning opportunities. Should you require any further information on these areas please contact Mrs D. Parfitt.
Overview of PLG Activities
The school is allocated a Professional Learning Grant and its spend is effectively planned in line with school priorities and local and national priorities.
An overview of the spend can be found below:
- Professional learning lead released to attend all PL events
Outstanding Teacher Programme
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Programme
Areas of Learning Leads to attend EAS Network meetings
Peer observation cycle
Staff visits to Lead Network Schools (specialist support)
Exam board training for secondary staff
Senior Leadership Team Chrysalis Training (Coaching and Mentoring)
Resources for professional learning School library
EAS Professional Learning Calendar
Please find a link to the professional learning offer from the local advisory service by clicking on the icon below. On this webpage you can view the professional learning calendar and access recordings to past events.
Professional development via Hwb
Please find a link to the professional learning offer from the delivered via Welsh Government and regional consortia by clicking on the icon below.