At Idris Davies School 3-18 we have one simple aim and that is to provide our learners with an excellent education. In order to take full advantage of the opportunities available pupils should attend school regularly and every child should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.
Research shows that pupils who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. Being late for school also hinders progress. A student who is 10 minutes late everyday will miss 30 hours of education during the year.
We aim to promote and encourage good habits of punctuality and attendance in all our pupils. Whole week attendance benefits from the class charts system, attendance drives and half termly competitions can be accumulated and spent on items from the reward shop.
The most convenient way to track your child’s attendance and report any absences is through using the ClassCharts app, this can be easily downloaded to your device from your providers app store. For instructions on how to do this please see the School Communications page.
If you would like to discuss with the school issues related to your child’s attendance please contact our attendance and well-being officers in the first instance
Mrs R. Owen - (Primary Phase and Year 7)
Mrs L. Richards - (Years 8-13)