Grant Plans
The schools’ use of grants is regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body, supported by advice from EAS and monitored by the Local Authority. Below please find a Summary of Grant Spending Plans 2024-2025 at Idris Davies School 3-18.
PDG & Standards 2024-2025
The school has received a total Pupil Deprivation Grant of £394,970, Early Years Pupil Deprivation Grant of £13,800 and Education Standards Grant of £201,149 for the financial year 2024-2025. This funding will be use to undertake the following activities:
- Attendance Project to support improved/maintained attendance post COVID
- Further enhancement of school library
- Further implementation and development of the Sparx Reader Programme
- Literacy and Numeracy Interventions
- FSM Enrichment Opportunities
- Uniform and additional Sports Equipment for pupils
- Wellbeing Trips
- Additional Mental health and Wellbeing support
- Enhancement of Outdoor Learning Environment
- Further support for our MAT pupils
- Additional capacity for Specialist Teaching provided by secondary staff to KS2 pupils
- Additional capacity with in English & Mathematics Departments to support intervention and smaller class sizes
- Further development of RADY project
- Additional Staffing for Early Years
Professional Learning Grant 2024-2025
The school has received a total Professional Learning Grant of £21,910 to undertake the following activities in support of the Professional Learning of Idris Davies School staff.
- Introduction of new peer observation programme to provide all staff across the school to enhance the sharing of best practice
- SLT Coaching and Mentoring programme
- Learning Network School linked with identified need(s)
- OLEVI Excellent Teaching programme
- OTAP Excellent Teaching Assistant programme
- Further development of the whole school professional learning library
- EAS Network meetings for LLC, Numeracy & Maths, Science, STEAM, Welsh / Bilingualism.
ALP Grant 2024-2025
The school has received a total ALP Grant of £2699 to undertake the following activities to support pupils to ‘catch up’ after COVID.
- Small group interventions KS4 & KS5
- Learning Coach across phase
ALN Grant 2024-2025
The school has received a total of £17,378 to undertake the following activities:
- Training for school staff on the new ALN Code
- Development of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for learners
- Enhanced support for families to engage with the ALN process
- TLR for additional ALN coordinators support primary (ALNCos)
- Creation and distribution of guidance materials for the school
- Expansion of specialist support services, including speech and language therapy
- Provision of mental health and wellbeing support tailored to ALN learners
- Enhanced ALN provision for pupils